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History: ToDo
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Source of version: 62
Todo & coordination should be moved to http://tiki.org/Branding+Team * --upstream raspberry.css to 8.x-- * --"Search index could not be updated. The site is misconfigured. Contact an administrator." on CGCOM server (with MySQL search)-- works beautifully on community server !! 8.0 goals * A branding for ((Tiki Suite)) ** Done :-) !! 6.0 goals !!! Essential * Review ((Tools)) and make priorities !!! If possible !!! Nice to have !! 5.0 goals This is needed before because it will be part of the release * --Upload new logo everywhere (Simon)-- ** --need powered by ((Badge)) to replace: http://branding.tiki.org/img/tiki/tikibutton2.png-- * ((Footer code)) content <- please update this, as it's the master to be deployed everywhere (Rick) ** footer design needs to be determined (Simon + Séb) *** ''Files committed for footer. Social networking icon code needs to be added.'' *** --need a ((badge)) to replace: [img/tiki/tikibutton2.png] which appears in footer-- * --Resolve domain name-- + SSL (Marc) * --Enable ShortURLs on branding.tiki.org (Seb)-- * --Make branding.tiki.org open (Marc)-- * --Make branding.tiki.org work with InterTiki (Changi) Since we are now with InterTiki, it is no longer possible to register or change password.-- ** --logging as admin, add tiki_p_admin to BrandingTwoAdmins group and make sure BrandingTwoAdmins is passed via InterTiki-- * --Announcement to the community (Marc)-- ** --Propose all the changes ((Logo)), ((project name)), etc.-- * --Logo should change along with theme option-- ** --''Should/can this be done with Perspectives?'' No, it's part of theme-- *** --Once all logos are uploaded, the theme & logo color will match-- * Login/register pop-up ** We need a jQuery? And the fallback is link to tiki-login_scr.php? *** ''This is done, and works pretty well. Tab links are to register and login page, in case of javascript problem. Register dropdown was removed to keep things simple.'' ** --__Please add a delay so login box stays 10 seconds (or similar)__-- done: ((dev:CartoGraf Sticky Login)) * Upgrade all *.tiki.org sites to fivealive.css ** Mostly done, but missing some less important ones like mobile, edu, fr, de, etc. * Make fivealive.css better -> ((FiveAlive Adjustments)) ** Top is globally OK *** Expect enhancements... Globally everything is too big. (Simon + Séb) ** modules seem too plain (Simon + Séb) ** center section needs some polish (Simon + Séb) ** We are missing CSS for branding.tiki.org * Make it work basically on IE6 or [http://dev.tiki.org/wish2710|Fallback to simple theme] ** ''Checked for basics and IE6 seems ok, but please report any problems. ie6.css was added, especially for site header layout.'' * --Wait for this one: Commit the footer project name (Gary)-- ** --From: Powered by TikiWiki CMS/Groupware-- ** --To: Powered by Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware-- * Some unfinished stuff from ((tw:TwoRevamp)) !! Nice to have * Resolve unification of login, register and lost password links ** Register: Add a new pref so we can override use of tiki-register.php? (ex.: send all to http://tiki.org/tiki-register.php and http://tiki.org/tiki-remind_password.php) ** Login: Sliding cookie to maintain login throughout all sites? or use CAS? * Way to push footers & common zones via RSS (have easy way to have unified footers) ** Example: http://tiki.org/tiki-index_raw.php?page=rsstest * Annoying popup message which happens only once a visit "We are currently testing upcoming Tiki5 along with a new theme family. Bugs & weirdness will happen for 1-2 weeks. Please bear with us." but could be cool feature for Tiki * --Admin-manageable custom zone of text on tiki-register.php ([http://themes.tiki.org/Template+Tricks#How_to_show_content_just_when_in_certain_pages|or use Smarty condition inside Site identity])-- Done in site identity like [http://dev.tiki.org/wish1394|for search] * --Admin-manageable custom zone of text on tiki-login_scr.php-- Done in site identity like [http://dev.tiki.org/wish1394|for search] * Menus: have a description field, which would manifest as a mouse-over, so visitor is re-assured he wants to click there. We would use it on top menu with info/dev/doc/themes/etc to give a quick blurb of ((tw:Where)) things are. * [http://dev.tiki.org/wish480|New module: search page name, search text, edit page] ** exists but needs some work *** It's now really nice in Tiki7 * --[http://dev.tiki.org/wish1394|Smarter searching throughout all sites]--
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